Our "Vision Project" is a plan, currently in progress, that will ultimately end up giving us new facilities.
A new building with indoor ranges, a conference room, an office, restrooms and a kitchen area has been completed.
Yet to be started is Phase II of the project
Phase II will give us new outdoor ranges and a new parking area.
To see the latest progress click here.

Bachelorette Party, News (below)
On Saturday, 28Aug21, LSSC hosted what is likely a first for them; a Bachelorette Party!
We received a request for this event and were able to accommodate the group. Their group consisted of 5 ladies: Natalie (organizer), Jena (bride-to-be), Alexis, Mackenzie, and Hadley. All received an overview of LSSC, range procedures, and safe gun handling instructions. The first three then did the shooting.
They shot a variety of .22 pistols and rifles on our indoor range and did well. Jena had brought a shotgun she wanted to try so we patterned that on the outdoor shotgun range, using paper on the rifle target board. A good time was had by all.
I want to thank the ladies for coming and for their donation; also, Dan Castle for assisting me on the range, and Rick Tessmer for range/facilities preparations.
LSSC hopes to have many assorted group events in the future; especially after the new facilities become available.
by Walt Toepfer
President, LSSC
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Below are some photos from the
M1 Garand Match, Camp Perry, 7Aug21
This year one person from LSSC, Glen Toepfer, participated in the CMP’s National Matches at Camp Perry, near Port Clinton, OH. In previous years there have been up to 4 LSSC participants, including myself and Bill & Eddie Carrothers. The matches were cancelled in 2020 due to COVID restrictions.
I was able to get out to Camp Perry on 7Aug to watch Glen shoot the Garand Match. He managed to make the cut for a bronze medal w/a score of 269 (out of a possible 300) w/5 in the X-ring. Not too bad for not having fired an M1 more than a couple practice rounds in two years. Glen used the M1 which I built from parts at the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s (CMP) Advanced Maintenance Course in Anniston, AL in 2019; so that was kind of neat.
Glen also shot in the M1 Carbine match on 6Aug but didn’t make the cut for a medal in that event.
We’d like to see more participants from LSSC. If anyone thinks they may be interested in any of the CMP’s shooting events, please feel free to contact me for more details.
As you look at the pix, remember that the targets are 200 yds from the firing line and you’re using iron sights. Glen is shooting on point & target 62 on the Rodricuez Range.
by Walt Toepfer
President, LSSC

Some photos from 7-8-2021 of some
of our members shooting trap

These are photos of the when we had unused portions of our building, which was previously Camp Porcupine, demolished.

Here are some past Hunters Safety classes