Our "Vision Project" is a plan, currently in progress, that will ultimately end up giving us new facilities.
A new building with indoor ranges, a conference room, an office, restrooms and a kitchen area.
Also new outdoor ranges and a new parking area.
Construction is currently under way.
To see the latest progress click here.
The newest is at the top and posted as text.
The older format is lower down and when you
click ON THEM they will open on your screen
(in pdf format)
May 7 2022 - Vision Update:
These past few weeks have been exciting and filled with good news!
Our “Vision” project was officially approved by the State of Michigan on 12Apr22. The construction contract was awarded to Moyle Construction on 20Apr22.
The pre-construction meeting was held at 10:00 AM on Fri, 6May, at the LSSC facilities. Present were representatives from LSSC, the State, the state’s prime design contractor, NFE, and OHM, a subcontractor to NFE, and the construction contractor, Moyle Construction. The weather was great and the meeting was held outside rather than in the archery room as planned.
After the pre-con meeting, about 11:00 AM, a ground breaking ceremony was held at the new construction site. Many of the same persons attended.
On May 7, LSSC held their Annual Meeting at the Eagle Club in Ontonagon. Guest speaker was Lori Burford, our main DNR contact for this project. All appeared to go well.
Lori recapped her involvement in the project, from about 6 years ago to the present. She is likewise excited to finally see it begin. She stated that we have to let the contractor (Moyle) have his site. The state will have periodic inspection times and we may attend those. There will also be some short periods of time when access to our existing entry road may be unavailable, they’ll try to give as much notice as possible. All communications should go through Lori. All great news!
If any of you have pictures of the pre-con meeting, ground breaking ceremony, or annual meeting, that you wouldn’t mind sharing, I’d like to have a copy. I’m planning on trying to keep as complete of file as I can on the progress of this project. I also want to feed updates and pix to Gary for the webpage, and post on FB as well.